Dojo Points Explained


Bathroom Break: This is to let the parents know when and how often their child is using the bathroom during the school day.

Completed Classroom Assignment: We have daily assignments are due the day they were assigned. They are not on the “Priority List”, but are still part of a student’s grade.

Completed Homework: Homework is turned in as assigned.

Completed Moby Max: This is an online assignment that is started in class at the beginning of the week and can be completed at home. It is due on Friday, first thing in the morning. It is worth several points.

Completed Freckle: This is an online assignment that is started in class at the beginning of the week and can be completed at home. It is due on Friday, first thing in the morning. It is worth several points.

Completed Read Theory: This is an online assignment that is started in class at the beginning of the week and can be completed at home. In order to get credit, students must pass quizzes. It is due on Friday, first thing in the morning. It is worth several points.

Completed Work Neatly: Work is neat and demonstrates best effort. That includes~ papers are not torn, scrunched and crumpled, writing is neat and legible and glue is used appropriately.

Differentiated Priority: Some assignments are leveled to meet the challenges and needs of students.

Modified Priority: Some assignments are modified to assist the student in completing work.

Name/#/date on paper: Students are required to have their name, number and date on their work. This is for their benefit and reduces confusion.

Turned in Priority: Priority due dates are clearly posted on Whiteboard, check-off sheet, and my website. Students are reminded of the due dates several times a day. They earned the points by turning their work on time.

Turned in classroom assignment: A student will turn in a classroom assignment but it is not COMPLETED as directed… they get a point for turning it in, however they can lose a Dojo point for it being incomplete.

Study Hall: Some days I allow students to come into the classroom and work during their lunch play time. This is not required but I do encourage the students who are behind to come in and get caught up.

Needs Work:

Missing Differentiated Priorities: Student didn’t turn in differentiated priority

Missing Moby Max: Students did not do online assignment. This is worth several points.

Missing Freckle: Students did not do online assignment. This is worth several points.

Missing Read Theory: Students did not do online assignment or pass quizzes. This is worth several points.

Inc Moby Max: Students started online assignment but didn't complete it.

Inc Freckle: Students started online assignment but didn't complete it.

Inc Read Theory: Students started online assignment but didn't complete it or pass quizzes.

Disruptive: Student disrupts the learning of those around him/her. This includes shouting, constantly out of seat, causing distractions.

Inc Priority: Student turns in priority assignment but it is incomplete. This way, you will know that although the priority is turned in, it’s not completed and can impact the student’s grade.

Incomplete assignment: Student turns in a classroom assignment but it is incomplete.

Incomplete homework: The homework is turned in, but incomplete.

Late Assignment: Student didn’t turn the assignment/priority in on time. I only allow this for special circumstances. I will remove the “Missing Assignment/Priority” and give this so that parents can know that the assignment was turned in, but late. Late assignments do impact grades.

Missing Priority: Student didn’t turn in Priority when it was due. Several reminders are given throughout the day to make sure the Priority is turned in.

Missing Class assignment: Students have work to complete other than the priorities that are assigned and due on the same day. This is a loss Dojo point because he/she didn’t turn it in.

Not following priority directions: Student doesn’t follow the directions, expectations and guidelines of the given assignment. Examples of the assignment are often provided.

Rushing through work: Students rush through their work and not giving their best effort.

Talking during test/assessment: Students are not allowed to talk during a test for any reason.